
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Sunday's Session...

I remembered to turn on the Endomondo sports tracker while I was out in the buggy on Sunday morning. Easterlies meant I could use a good length of the salt lake and rode some of the way back towards the car park...

Sunday 16 September 2012

Back in the bug...

After 3 months with only a couple of goes in the buggy on local sports fields, the last couple of weekends I have headed out on the salt lake...

The wind has been gentle but managed to fly the 2.7m vapor as well as the good old 5m flow, of course I had my new GoPro HD Hero with me. Got the video edited on Pinnacle Studio for the iPad. No banging sound track just some spring crusin'!

Saturday 15 September 2012

Custom GoPro mount

I have made a  custom mounts to attach the GoPro to the buggy in a couple of different ways...
The chase cam!

Attached with a couple of hose clamps

The full frontal!

amazingly it doesn't interfere with the steering!

More hose clamps!

My only concern is the flexibility of the pipe, which may mean the camera will bounce around to much and make everybody who views the footage sick! I think shortening will reduce that, hopefully will have some results soon...

Tuesday 11 September 2012

The Godfather of kite buggying!

Just found a link to my blog on Popeye The Welder's website!

If you didn't already know PTW is the godfather of kite buggying!

Sunday 9 September 2012

Saturday 8 September 2012

Pinnacle Studio for iPad

Having recently got my GoPro HD Hero Naked I wanted some way of editing the footage on my iPad. After a look around I opted for Avid Studio App. This was the same price as iMovie ($5.49) but appeared more flexible and user friendly!

After downloading it I was given the option of a fee upgrade to Pinnacle Studio, which appears the same but can export in HD - so went for it!

Had a play around with it on Sunday and found it easy and intuitive to use and managed to produce a simply edited video in about 10 minutes. Imported the clips quickly and easily...

Included some transitions...
And added some back ground music off the iPad...
Now hoping to try more and spend a little bit longer on the result, the finished product was easliy exported onto 

Friday 7 September 2012

Video - MG kite Soft Sessions

Awesome video, I can't wait for the full version, I so need to get out in the bug...

C'mon wind!

Monday 3 September 2012

Fathers Day...

Yesterday was fathers day and I officially received my GoPro HD Hero Naked! And was allowed to play with it - as we were away for the weekend I just did some filming around the farmstay we were staying at. Then when we got home downloaded Avid Studio for the iPad then with the free upgrade changed to Pinnacle Studio (which is the HD version).

Had some fun playing around editing the footage and here is what I produced in about 10 minutes...

When we got home attached the curved mount onto my helmet ready for a chance in the buggy...

Now just looking for an anglepoise lamp I can cannabalise to make a mount for the rear axle of the buggy!