
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Video - Langford MTB Park

Started to explore some of the trails at Langford MTB Park in Jarrahdale, on the mountainboard, until I had to give up because of the rain...

Hopefully we will get a break in the rain and I can get to the salt lake with the kites and buggy.

Friday 23 May 2014

GoPro, UGC...

User Generated Content.

A couple of weeks ago I was approached by somebody from GoPro, having watched my video Sideways on Vimeo, they wanted to see if they could add my video to the GoPro Channel!

I thought about it for all of about 3 seconds and said yes please, had a minor worry that it maybe dodgy, but after receiving an email from GoPro I knew all was above board.

Licence agreement signed, 18GB of raw video uploaded to GoPro's wiredrive (which took over 24 hours!) and now its wait and see if they will use it...

I do get some mounts for sharing my video with them and if they add my video to their channel then I get a GoPro HDHero3+, so fingers crossed.

GoPro gooseneck
GoPro suction cup
(images courtesy of

Thursday 22 May 2014

Lake Walyungup...

Muffin, the dog!
Walking the dog on lake Walyungup, the wind is blowing and wishing I had the buggy with me!

A good opportunity to check the surface after the recent rain. It's pretty soggy and soft in places. There is a fair bit of standing water on the approach to the recreational area. The main recreational is still pretty firm with no puddles.


Tuesday 20 May 2014


The new carbon kite buggy from Hobbs kite buggies...

It looks absolutely incredible, for more information go to

Monday 19 May 2014


I'm sat in my car at Langford Park, all padded up, waiting for the rain to clear...

I did manage a couple of small runs on the board before it really started to come down!

Saturday 17 May 2014


I may go out and explore some other places to mountainboard, I am thinking of taking a trip to Langford Park which is near Jarrahdale to explore some of the mountain-bike trails and see if they are  any good for boarding...

Friday 16 May 2014

Anxiety - part 2, Dr's orders...

After suffering a period of anxiety ( a couple of months ago, this week it returned with avengence.

More tension, chest pain, teeth clenching and sleeplessness - so much so my wife insisted a visit to the doctor. Where I subsequently burst into to tears! After half an hour she insisted I took two weeks sick leave from work (I went for a week!) and has now started me on some medication to help. 

The other thing she prescribed was getting out and doing what I enjoy and relaxes me - buggy and boarding on prescription!

So I'm just walking down the lake wondering if I can get the wind on prescription!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Video - Flysurfer Lotus 15m

More huge air and incredible hang-time from the flysurfer crew...

Monday 12 May 2014

Winter winds..?

Looks like we have got a week of typical winter winds, not much unless there is a storm! Forecast for this week - after today it isn't going to get over 10 knots all week!

I didn't get out in the buggy or on the board, over the weekend, not much wind and had family things on (yesterday was Mother's Day!).

My 10m Manta II will get me moving in 7-10 knots, but maybe its time to consider one of these...

Flysurfer Speed 3 12m CE

Friday 9 May 2014

Thursday 8 May 2014

Straight Jackets...

No not one of those - Oakley Straight Jackets!

I have just taken delivery of a pair of polarised Oakley Straight Jackets. I have been wearing Oakley's for about the last 10-12 years and wouldn't buy any other brand of sunnies.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Building a buggy...

I would love to, but wouldn't know where to start.

Popeye the Welder has put his Dominator kite buggy plans online, free for anybody to download, save and build an incredible looking buggy...

PPTW Dominator
(courtesy of
Can you build me one too..?

Tuesday 6 May 2014

19 years...

Today is our 19th wedding anniversary...

Happy Anniversary Mandy, I love you.

Monday 5 May 2014

Sunday 4 May 2014


No wind at all, so thought I would exersice my legs and play on a hill...

Coming down is always much easier!