
Wednesday 17 September 2014

Equipment checks...

The forecast is still looking good for the weekend. Got everything out this morning to check it was ready to go.

Tyre pressures, bolts tightened, both kites checked, pads, helmet, gloves and harness ready...

Then inside to make sure I have all my GoPro mounts and both GoPro cameras are fully charged...

All good just bring on the wind!

Monday 15 September 2014


After a long winter break the weather is finally spring like and it is looking hopeful that I might get out with the kites, buggy and board at the weekend...

I will still need to fit a weekend run as well!

Friday 12 September 2014


Bought a new app today to help improve my running. I was after something which help set your pace, as I have a tendency to go out too hard and fast!

So after reading many reviews opted for iSmoothRun...

Went for a 5k run after work and got a new PB and my pace was much more consistent and ran most of it!

Not sure how much was the app and how much is my fitness level!

It's warming up, so maybe back in the buggy and board soon...!

Friday 5 September 2014

Losing it...

I haven't been buggying or boarding for a few weeks, but I haven't been sat on my butt!

Using my fitbit and endomondo I have spent the last three weeks training and losing weight. Aiming for 15000 steps a day and burning 3000 calories. I have been running twice a week and even bought myself some decent runners...

And after three weeks I have dropped from 78 kgs to 75 kgs, I would still like to lose one more!

daily steps

running map

daily calories burned
We are now into spring so I am hoping the lake starts to dry out a bit, though we do have more rain forecast for the weekend and the beginning of next week. I am looking forwards to getting back in the buggy.