
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Got one...

A 1/4 to 3/8's adaptor for the tripod, so will be able to use my Soloshot 2 when I officially receive it on Thursday...

Monday 30 March 2015

Stuck it...

Last time I used my GoPro kite line mount I a managed to crack it...

I have been sent a couple of new line winders from somebody on the Extreme Kites forum, but decided that before I made a whole new set up I would try gluing the two parts of mine together to see if that would hold it all together and keep the new winders as spares...

Sunday 29 March 2015


I have been allowed to charge my Soloshot base and tag so that it is already to play with once I officially get it on my birthday...

But I have just noticed a problem the thread on my tripod is 1/4 and the hole on the Soloshot is 3/8 so they don't match. DON'T PANIC!

I will just have to get an adaptor before Thursday!

Friday 27 March 2015

Birthday weather...

It's looking good for a birthday buggy! And hopefully try out the soloshot.

Thursday 26 March 2015


I love working part time it means I have every Wednesday off. I do have a list of stuff that I need to do, like cleaning the floors, dusting, washing and the weekly grocery shop. But with some careful planning I can usually free up a big chunk of the day.

Yesterday was one of those days, yesterday was Windsday...

A couple of hours in the buggy in the morning - I love working part time.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Backrest - part..?

I've lost count at how many variations I have tried, this one is completely new and sitting in the buggy in the garage is very comfortable!

My original back rest...

Some fence T fixings and 25mm PVC pipe...

Clamped in place...

Too easy...

With the padding...

The buggy and kites are loaded in the back of the ute ready for a roll out tomorrow.

Thursday 19 March 2015

It's arrived...

My Soloshot 2 base and tag...

The base feels really solid, it's probably going to have to go away until my birthday though. So I'm not going to be able to play. Unless my wife lets me take it away this weekend...

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Missed it...

I'm hoping its my Soloshot 2, I should be able to pick it up tomorrow.

Sunday 15 March 2015


I have just got back from my first hotwire experience and I'm a convert! 

The wind was 14, gusting to 21 knots flying the 6m Access. Launched using the harness and then hooked into the Hotwire. First few runs felt a bit strange but soon got used to the feeling of not being hooked directly to the kite.

It was awesome, where as gusts would of lifted my backside from the seat and scared the sh1t out of me I just kept going, if not for the Hotwire I would have probably packed up and gone home - too scared! :eek: 

I would of also de powered the access using the trimmer, but felt confident and secure enough to fly fully powered. On a couple of occasions when a big gust did hit (it was the remenants of tropical cyclone Olwyn) the buggy automatically turned slightly downwind. I did reposition the straps further back after a couple of runs as the front initially felt a bit light.

Slides etc were all the same as being harnessed and the bug felt stable and not once did a rear wheel lift or it feel like it was going to turtle.

Landing was the same as ever powerslide and as the kite de powered grab the brake strap and down it would come.

I would like to get the technique for hooking in and launching in the buggy sorted, then I could do away with the harness completely.


Wednesday 11 March 2015

Hotwire - finished & ready for testing...

I bought some 80mm stainless-steel snap hooks and 2m of seat belt webbing from BCF. And in under an hour I had made myself a pretty decent looking hotwire system.

Best of all I got to use the sewing machine again!

The loops, I actually made these too small to thread the snap hook through, but managed it in the end...

First fix of the hooks...

Testing the position...

 Double checking with a body double..!

Check out the quality workmanship...

The finished product...

Checking with the chicken loop...

Chicken loop and 5th line safety...

Tuck down the side of the seat when not in use...

I'm pleased with how they look and the positioning, the seat belt webbing should be pretty strong, but I guess the proof will be next time I fly!

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Video - Purley Way by Air...

From RedSkyHorizon and some great aerial video...

"The intention of this video is to pay homage to my local grass site at the former Croydon Aerodrome where I have been kite buggying since 1997."

Monday 9 March 2015

Hotwire - part 2...

I'm really hooked on this idea (forgive the pun!) and Ive seen a couple more pictures and am getting an idea how i'm going to build this...

Plummets hotwire.
I've got some old webbing; I will have a look in Masters, Bunnings and BCF for the rings and clips...

Then a bit of sewing and playing around and I should have a working hotwire set-up. I have shortened my spare safety leash ready to go..!

Mini leash

Sunday 8 March 2015


Just been reading a post on hotwiring on Extreme Kites and it has got me thinking I may try this.

I've just been rummaging around the garage to see if there is anything I can use/recycle! I have found a spare safety leash which has a release and a couple of clips. If i get some webbing and shackles I maybe able to come up with something!

Looks like the sewing machine maybe coming out again!

Saturday 7 March 2015

SoloShot 2...

Base and tag, just ordered for my birthday!

Friday 6 March 2015

I want one...

A SoloShot2...
"film yourself... automatically

Film yourself from up to 2,000 ft. away without relying on a second person.

SOLOSHOT2 puts you in control so you can capture what you want, when you want, every time. Improve your skills or share that epic moment - no worries, no hassles and no bathroom breaks!

Simply attach your camera, pair the Base & Tag together and SOLOSHOT2 will automatically pan & tilt your camera to keep you in the shot.

Check out the SOLOSHOT2 Camera Controller Accessory for Automatic Zoom* tracking and to send record/shutter commands right from your Tag.

Pair your Tag to multiple Bases to film yourself from multiple angles simultaneously. Pair multiple Tags to a single Base to film your friends too and it will automatically track the closest, fastest or whoever pressed their Tag's "follow me" button. You can even combine multiple Bases and Multiple Tags to film events!

Battery Life - Up to 8 Hours Base, 4 Hours Tag.