
Tuesday 28 April 2015

Savvy gecko... where I got my Soloshot 2 from, they are now using a couple of my videos on the website...

Screen shot

Sunday 26 April 2015

New widget...

Look up there, I have added a widget from Vimeo so you can watch the kite buggy action with one click!
screen shot

Saturday 25 April 2015

Video - The Gentleman's Charvolant...

This is brilliant, from Tom "redskyhorizon" Mulligan, check out those dance moves! -

The Aeropleustic Art or Navigation in the Air by the use of Kites, or Buoyant Sails.
"No actual Charvolant's exist today, so I used a modern Charvolant using the essence of gentrified ambiance instead.
The session is from Wednesday afternoon. I only had two hours to make this video before rushing off to work at Urinal, so it's a bit slap dash but I hope you find it to your liking."

Friday 24 April 2015


Airdog, It follows you everywhere...

The AirDog camera drone constantly tracks where you are, and follows you no matter where you go.

Completely automatic all the way from take-off to landing, allowing you to just focus on the action.

AirDog uses a Gyroscope Stabilized Gimbal to ensure that your videos are stable, every time."

Thursday 23 April 2015

Buggying Sunday...

Winds looking good for early Sunday morning.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

best thing ever...

It doesn't get much better than the sight of a big kite against a blue sky!

Monday 20 April 2015

Video - kite buggy, Soloshot 2

Kite buggying on lake Walyungup. 

Another great morning in the buggy, winds were 18 knots with gusts up to 25. Had a blast until the wind changed direction to a northerly then a big walk back! Got some good video using the Soloshot 2 with the camcorder and the GoPro...

Sunday 19 April 2015


Had a good morning in the buggy, before the wind swung around to a northerly...

Videos down loading!

Saturday 18 April 2015

Be prepared...

ready for a Sunday morning kite buggy session...

kites and buggy loaded-

Cameras charging-

wind looking good-

Thursday 16 April 2015

Video - A day at Yeepoon

Some of the Extreme Kites crew playing at Yeepoon...

A video from Rob Lukin.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

New additions to my reviews and articles...

I have added a couple of new articles to the My Reviews and Articles section, over there on the right of your screen...

An idiots guide to kite buggying


Monday 13 April 2015

Video - Infinity Buggy Kite 360

Makes me dizzy just watching it!

With the new Flysurfer Sonic.

Sunday 12 April 2015

NASA Star 3

A couple of videos of the NASA Star 3 from fellow Extreme Kites team member +John Holgate. I would love to get my hands on a couple of these to try and see how they compare to my present depowers...

The NASA Star 3 can be bought from Born Kites.

All music is also written by John.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Video - Port La Nouvelle...

+bonds11270 shared this video with me on Google+, incredible beach - I'm a little bit envious.

Friday 10 April 2015


700 posts! I guess this one is cheating!

Thursday 9 April 2015


The forecast for the next week is wet, I hope there is a break so I can get out in the buggy...

All down to ex-tropical cyclone Ikula - Ex-cyclone sends rain across SW

Wednesday 8 April 2015


adjective: windswept; adjective: wind-swept
  1. (of a place) exposed to strong winds.
    "the windswept moors"
    synonyms:exposed, unprotectedbleakbaredesolateMore
    • untidy after being exposed to the wind.
      "his windswept hair"
      synonyms:dishevelled, tousled, unkemptwindblownuntidymessy, disordered,disarranged;
      mussed up
      "his windswept hair"
      antonyms:tidy, sleek

Tuesday 7 April 2015

"it's all video, video, video..."

I do love my kite buggying and a flip side to that is like making and editing my kite buggy videos-

Mark Crook on Vimeo

I was having a look at all my kit this morning...

"We had the chance but we were scared. We walked away. WE LIVED OUR LIVES IN FEAR!"

Monday 6 April 2015

Too windy...

Down at Lake Walyungup and it's howling! 18-25 knots. Buggied part way down the lake and then landed the kite as it was a bit scary.

The Ozone Access 6m is supposed to be good up to 25 knots - but I'm not!

It's really says something when the fully loaded buggy moves in its own!

Saturday 4 April 2015


The only real casualty from my OBE/roll-over on Thursday...

My wind-direction-ometer thingy!


Friday 3 April 2015

What's the best thing to do when you OBE?

Make sure you get it on video!

Yesterday started off fine I even checked the wind before getting the 10m Ozone Manta out, it was 8-10 knots and was forecast to drop. Hooked in and set off down the lake - all good.

This was my first outing with the Soloshot 2, after reading the instructions a few times (yes I am a man and yes I do read instructions!) I thought it might be a bit tricky to set up - but it was very straight forward and pretty simple to get it paired and calibrated.

I had some good runs with the Manta and the green LED on the front of the Soloshot 2 is really visible, even from a distance in bright sun - so you know it is tracking you. 

The wind did appear to be increasing as I was going sideways a fair bit and a gust flipped the buggy with me in it! Without the hotwire I think I would have been lofted a fair way and then dropped. The best thing was the Soloshot 2 recorded all this...

Only a couple of minor grazes and bruises!

Best of all I got it on video! 

Ended up playing on the Ozone Access 6m and as forecast the wind dropped! Not the best days kite buggying but a good test of the Soloshot 2.

I wasn't sure how the Soloshot 2 was going to work, I played around with the zoom levels and the positioning of the camera and the RAW footage is great. 

The only downside is my JVC camcorder isn't compatible with the auto-zoom function and the battery top up. But otherwise really happy - if not a little stiff and sore today!

my track

Thursday 2 April 2015

Good news, bad news...

There is some good news and some bad news...

The bad news is I just had an OBE, well technically it wasn't an OBE as I didn't come out of the buggy - it just flipped!

The good news is - I think I got it on video!😂

And it's my birthday!

the crash site!

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Selling up - everything...

Ive decided to give up kite buggying, its just not doing it for me anymore...

Modified Peter Lynn comp XR+, wide axle and extended side frames, back rest and highway rated tyres. And Hotwire setup.

Ozone Access 6m in great condition

Ozone Manta II 10m  excellent condition (pics to follow)
Ozone Access SB harness used but in good condition (pics to follow)

Contact me for individual prices. All available after April 1st 2115

Happy April Fools Day!