
Wednesday 30 September 2015

Pictures - Ozone R1 7m...

Some pictures of the Ozone R1 7m...

Buggy action


bridle attachment



air intake

reinforced leading edge

lying flat

gound stake

ground stake

the bag

the bar

chicken loop
Air release zip

air release

internal structure

Tuesday 29 September 2015

The next generation of race kite...

Following on from the success of the R1, Ozone have started testing the R2 - apparently this is the second design and is called the R2-Design 2 or the R2-D2...

Monday 28 September 2015

Buggy detailing...

Got back home this arvo and set my personal buggy detailer (my 12 year old daughter!) to work...

from this (well it wasn't quite that bad as I rinsed it befor I left) - 


To this, she also cleaned my harness and sandbag -



Tomorrow I will unpack the kite and clean of any salt off the sail and give the bar and lines a good rinse, I'll wait until tomorrow so it can dry!

Sunday 27 September 2015

Ozone R1 7m...

Rocking the R1 in the kite buggy...

Lake Lefroy Land Sailing Club regatta...

Arrived and Friday and was able to fly the new Ozone R1 7m, it was about 6-7 knots. 

Yesterday was a lot of sitting around waiting for the wind but did get a play at about 3. The frustrating thing is that areas of the lake are still quite wet and we are using the ponds which are surrounded by causeways - so you quite rapidly run out of room.

They also have some water on them in places, so the salt spray is bad. Ended up not being able to see, through a combination of salt and sun-screen in my eyes - just couldn't keep them open! 

The kite, buggy and other gear is going to need a really good clean when I get home.

Lots of wind overnight and it's still blowing this morning, though we have had a few spots of rain. It's then a case of seeing which areas are driest. I'm hoping that if the wind is more consistent I can get some video.

The Ozone R1 7m is an awesome kite, i did fly it in 6-7 knots on the first day, then had a bit of trouble trying to get it to launch in next to nothing yesterday morning. But in the afternoon it really came into its own, with fantastic acceleration, super quick, tight turns, and  huge potential for speed - just need a bit more space and consistent wind!

Thursday 24 September 2015

It's arrived...

Ozone R1 7m, not had chance for a proper look yet - it will be stretching its wings on Lake Lefroy tomorrow...

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Vietnam to Perth...

The Ozone R1 is nearly here, having left the Ozone factory in Vietnem...

Sunday 20 September 2015

Equipment checks...

Getting ready for the Lake Lefroy land sailing regatta, buggy checked over, tyre pressures checked, bolts tightened, GoPro chase mount reinstalled, safety gear checked, anemometer and GPS plus spare batteries.

New kite's set to arrive Thursday, if the Manta II hasn't sold that's coming too. KAP kite and all my camera gear all packed and charged.

Everything is ready to go into the ute on Thursday ready for an early start on Friday morning.

Saturday 19 September 2015


My Mum and Dad had a Garmin Etrex which they have given to me so rather than use an app on my iPhone I can now get an "official" speed reading. Which is good for when I start ripping it up with the R1!

I keep saying "official" in a Dr Evil voice!

Thursday 17 September 2015


I've listed the Ozone Manta II 10m on ebay...
Ozone Manta II 10m on ebay

Wednesday 16 September 2015

What to do when there's no wind

Get your biggest kite and strap an engine to your back...

Disclaimer - don't try this at home without proper training and equipment, if you do you are stupid and may end up dead. gum-nuts doesn't take any responsibility if you are stupid!

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Video - Ozone tips and tricks...

I've watched this a few times recently, ready for the arrival of the R1 -

Monday 14 September 2015

It's on...

The Lake Lefroy Land Sailing regatta...

Sunday 13 September 2015

Review - Soloshot 2...

POV cameras are great, I love my GoPro's and have tried various different mounts - from kite line, chase cam, the GoPro 3 way and of course the good old helmet mount.

But in an attempt to get a different perspective in my videos I was always looking at alternatives, the ideal situation would be to have somebody film me using a camcorder and tripod - but attempts with this with my wife and daughter were never that successful, then somebody introduced me to Soloshot...

The robot cameraman -

Ergh! Maybe not -

Soloshot 2 is a unit that attaches to a tripod and a camera (Camcorder, GoPro or DSLR) and will track a tag that is worn by the the rider and can follow them through 360 degree rotation (at 80 degress a second) and 150 degrees vertical tracking (at 35 degrees a second). 

The tag is also waterproof to 30m.

With a range of 600m (2000 feet) and if you go out of range then it will pick you up when you come back into range - smart!

The unit is supplied with the base, a tag and arm band, charging cable, tripod tool and instructions.

The tag attaches onto the base for charging and transporting and both have extensive battery life the base for up to 8 hours and the tag 4 hours (the battery in the base can also be used to charge you camera - if you have a compatible camera, unfortunately I don't!).

The other issue I had was the thread size on my tripod was different from that of the base of the Soloshot, I had to buy an adapter for about $2.

Every time you use the Soloshot 2 or move it from one location to another (even after initial pairing) the base and tag have to be recalibrated and paired.

The initial calibration takes 8-10 minutes and involves the tag warm up, attaching the tripod, base and camera, framing and centering the shot. Then there is the walkabout pairing, in which you have to walk at least 50 paces around in a random way ending up back at the base to pair the item. You then walk back to your centering object to calibrate the base and tag (I missed this part when I first tried the Ozone R1 and therefore it didn't track properly!).

This sounds like a lot of trouble but is fairly simple once you get used to it and once the tag has warmed up (8 mins approx) is quick to do and I think the results are worth it...

There are various different settings on the Soloshot 2 depending on what sport you are involved in, wether you are on a level playing field, or will have altitude changes (getting some air) all designed to get the best out of the unit and these can easily be changed on the go.
If you have a compatible camera then there is also an auto-zoom function and DSLR can also be set to take pictures at preset intervals.

You can also pair one tag with multiple bases for lots of different perspectives or multiple tags to one base and switch between them by pressing a button on the tags while on the move.

The base is quite heavy, but this isn't an issue once mounted on a tripod. It does feel solid and well made and does contain the battery, servos and electronics. The tag and arm band are also tough (I know I landed on them during an OBE!

The downside - initially the pairing and calibration can feel a bit daunting, and the auto-zoom and charging only work with compatible cameras.

Positives - no wingy wife or kids filming you, steady smooth tracking, long battery life, multiple functions.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Wednesday 9 September 2015


Well, I counted my chickens too soon...

I wish the wind would make its mind up..

One minute it's blowing, get to Lake Walyungup and it goes.

Head to work to pick something up, wind blows.

Get home wind goes, unload buggy and kite, hose buggy off, you guessed it wind blows.

Think about putting buggy back in car, wind goes.

Sat here watching the trees sway nicely in the wind, too bloody late as I have stuff to do and kids to pick up!

Tuesday 8 September 2015


It's going to be hot and windy tomorrow, so I'm getting ready to play...

Cameras charging and the buggy is loaded...