
Thursday 28 June 2012


That's about how good the weekend wind forecast looks!

Looks like another weekend of gardening, car washing and shopping! 'Cause the buggy wont be going anywhere!

Friday 22 June 2012


At present the forecast for the weekend is looking dry and bright - I'm hoping to get out in the buggy on the Laurie Stanford reserve in Singleton on Sunday. The wind is looking gentle but doable! And I need to buggy...

My daughters are going to an all night move marathon tonight, at the youth group run by the local church, so they are going to be loads of fun this weekend - so I am best of staying out of the way!

Tuesday 19 June 2012


My wife keeps asking me why I want (more like need) a new buggy, here are my reasons-
Sysmic S2 - my dream machine
  1. Safety
This is my primary concern, off course! A new buggy would have a wider rear axle and a lower centre of gravity providing a much more stable and safer ride. Therefore reducing the risk of OBE’s and flipping it.

  1. Speed
The lower COG and wider axle would allow me to hold down more power and hopefully push my speed.
Apexx Exxtreme

  1. Endurance
Longer and more comfortable buggy sessions.

  1. Longevity
I have always been a great believer in - you get what you pay for, the PL comp is a great buggy and was brilliant to learn and develop my skills in. Now I am ready for that next step and need a buggy that will allow me to keep pushing and will last me for years.
PPW Cougar
  1. Sanity
Checking out new kit helps keep me sane while I am not getting out as frequently – it’s either howling wind and rain or nothing at the moment! Imagine the fun I would have with a shiny new buggy to put together, then I could sit in it in the garage (those of you who buggy know what I am talking about!).

  1. Development
For me to continue to push my limits, develop my skills and go faster and harder, I need to upgrade my kit – buggy and kites.
Libre Dragster

  1. Support the manufacturing industries during times of global recession
Ok, I maybe pushing it a bit now!

At least my wife is talking about it now - and the seed has been sown, which often germinates into something new for me!

Wednesday 13 June 2012


After a few days of cyclonic winds battering the West coast, surviving 20 hours without power and living by candle light, the weather is calming down and my thoughts are turning back to the possibility of getting out in the buggy at the weekend...

Jetty, Rockingham foreshore -Picture from the West Australian

Kitson Street, Rockingham - Picture from the West Australian
But at present, with the Salt Lake out of bounds and the winds not looking to good for Sunday, I am not hopeful (but keeping everything crossed) - I am also guessing there will still be debris scattered around...


Though last night I did have visions of me breaking the kite buggy speed record with a plastic bag and a Peter Lynnn Comp in 120kph winds!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Perth Prepares...

It's time to batten down the hatches, again, as another storm front approaches Perth - with winds forecast up to 120kph further damage and power cuts are predicted.

We had our power restored yesterday after about 20 hours, my parents are still in the dark after nearly 48 hours!

There has been a severe weather warning issued for tonight.

Monday 11 June 2012

Worst Storm in a decade

Yesterday we were hit by the worst storm in a decade, with winds up to 140kph - no way was I going to try and buggy in that!

We got off lightly with no damage to our house, or around the property, but we haven't had power since about 1.30pm yesterday, so have all been fumbling around in the dark - and the news from Western Power is that they don't know when it will be back on!

Lots of branches came down from trees including a large one at the end of the road, about 50m from home! And through it all the Baldivis Brumbies continued to play footie!

For more on this story check out the ABC news website! At the moment we still have no idea when our power will be restored, or if the school is open as they will be in the same situation - but I am sat in my warm, dry office with lights and power!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Winter Down-under

The first of July is officially the first day of winter; last weekend we were really lucky with the weather with warm days, blue skies and some wind (even if they were North-Easterlies). With highs of 24 degrees it was a pleasure to be out, even if some of that time I was just sat in the buggy waiting for the wind...
Sunday 3rd July 2012

Sunday 3rd July 2012
This week winter has arrived, we have wind - gusty and strong, but we have also have had a good dumping of rain (which is much needed!) but never the less it's still cold and wet! Though we still have a maximum of 20-21 degrees forecast most days (that's cold!). And the dark and wet makes it feel colder...

The wind for the weekend is variable with strong northerly's forecast for Sunday, with rain increasing- which means if I am to go out in the buggy I am going to need to try and find somewhere else (again) - maybe I should just have a doona day (doona = duvet) and spend the day under the blankets - fat chance!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Video - Kite Buggy Mojave, Ivanpah Dry Lake

From Cliff - 
"Mine and Redskyhorizons trip to the States early in May 2012, each laden with nearly 100kgs of buggies, kites, tools, safety gear and clothes in order to experience Kite buggying on the legendary Ivanpah Dry Lake bed in the Californian Mojave Desert.

We weren't blessed with the greatest of winds but due to the rock hard surface there was enough to get us moving over 50mph. That didn't matter though because we were blown away by just being there!

One of the best sessions of the trip was on a fantastically chilled evening just cruising up and down the lake bed getting the first chance to sit back and take it all in."

Sunday 3 June 2012

Location - Laurie Stanford Reserve, Singleton

I have been looking for an alternative location to buggy with the restrictions at Lake Walyungup - today I tried the Laurie Stanford Reserve in Singleton.

The wind was a Nor-Easterly, 18-20kph and gusty - as it turned out not the ideal conditions for the location as the wind was coming over the dunes and was very variable it also limited the amount of space I could use.

I parked in a car-park on the southern end of the reserve, which enabled me to get the buggy set-up easily and I left most of the kit in the boot as it was easy to grab whatever I needed - usually a luxury I don't have! With the conditions as they were I thought the safest bet would be to put up the 5m Ozone Flow.
The first hour was pretty frustrating, with the kite going from powered-up, to luffing and bow tieing. Then after a snack and a drink the wind came on a bit stronger and was a bit more consistent and I finally started to get a few more decent runs in. Though at times the kite would still float to the ground as the wind disappeared, before powering up again - but by the end of the morning the grin was back...

There are soccer posts on the reserve, but these were easily avoided. And given the right conditions (a westerly would be perfect, an easterly would also be more do-able) you could get some decent runs in. There were a few people around, walking dogs, on the play area and skate park, but there was still plenty of space to buggy safely. There were no un-expected dog-logs to avoid!
With the restrictions in place on the Salt Lakes, I think I will be back here with the buggy again, while still looking for more options...

Saturday 2 June 2012

New location?

Think I have found somewhere to buggy while the restrictions are in place at Lake Walyungup...

I am going to try it out tomorrow morning, may have to dodge the soccer posts - just hope there are no soccer players!