
Sunday 3 June 2012

Location - Laurie Stanford Reserve, Singleton

I have been looking for an alternative location to buggy with the restrictions at Lake Walyungup - today I tried the Laurie Stanford Reserve in Singleton.

The wind was a Nor-Easterly, 18-20kph and gusty - as it turned out not the ideal conditions for the location as the wind was coming over the dunes and was very variable it also limited the amount of space I could use.

I parked in a car-park on the southern end of the reserve, which enabled me to get the buggy set-up easily and I left most of the kit in the boot as it was easy to grab whatever I needed - usually a luxury I don't have! With the conditions as they were I thought the safest bet would be to put up the 5m Ozone Flow.
The first hour was pretty frustrating, with the kite going from powered-up, to luffing and bow tieing. Then after a snack and a drink the wind came on a bit stronger and was a bit more consistent and I finally started to get a few more decent runs in. Though at times the kite would still float to the ground as the wind disappeared, before powering up again - but by the end of the morning the grin was back...

There are soccer posts on the reserve, but these were easily avoided. And given the right conditions (a westerly would be perfect, an easterly would also be more do-able) you could get some decent runs in. There were a few people around, walking dogs, on the play area and skate park, but there was still plenty of space to buggy safely. There were no un-expected dog-logs to avoid!
With the restrictions in place on the Salt Lakes, I think I will be back here with the buggy again, while still looking for more options...

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