
Sunday 29 July 2012

Sunday Session

I took the kites and buggy to Laurie Stanford reserve in Singleton this morning. Forecast for North-easterlies, light to moderate, increasing to moderate to fresh with gusts.

A gorgeous sunny day, but chilly to start, set up the 5m flow and put it through it's paces, the wind was pretty hit and miss, with a lot more miss!

Anytime I stepped anywhere near the buggy the kite would float gently to the ground! Did manage a couple of slow runs.

The forecast was for increasing winds so I stuck it out and was rewarded by about an hour or so of reasonable buggy action, with some reasonable length runs and some decent speed - though never anything record breaking!

Though I didn't use my harness and hadn't switched the GPS on. Overall well worth getting out and having a blast!

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