
Monday 1 October 2012

OBE - the Vapor bites!

It was an interesting morning and a good day for OBE's it seems! Yes I did it again, and I was joined by Bones who also decided to fly today!

The wind went from nothing to 30kph + with stronger gusts within about half an hour.

The 2.7m vapor took some work to start with but I was determined to stick with it. As the wind strength increased I realized the huge power that this kite can deliver. And a stupid mistake when trying to untwist my lines lead to me leaving the buggy...

Only a few bruises and scrapes and was lucky to get away with just that. Decided with the wind blowing as it was that discression is the better part of valour and went home! Have to say up to that point I was absolutely loving the vapor and thinking I need more of these kites...

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