
Tuesday 18 December 2012


A big thank-you to Bones for letting me borrow his Sysmic S2 kite buggy, he is away for a couple of weeks and rather than it sit around un-used he has kindly lent it to me…

I am hoping I can do it justice and make the most of the opportunity by increasing my personal best – now I just need the wind and weather to cooperate. I have all my kites in the bag, the swanny is set to the right length, short, to match my legs! I have also dropped the tyre pressure as they were rock solid.

It also fits in the garage without taking up any-more room than the PL comp! And I have put something down to protect it from the concrete-

Side rail socks!

The wind is looking reasonable for later today, so after an early dinner I am heading to lake Walyungup to give it a try and don't worry Bones, I will look after it...

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