
Wednesday 27 February 2013


One of my other hobbies is geocaching as this is something we do as a family. Yesterday on my way home from work two new geocaches were posted near home. Getting a FTF (first to find) on a geocache is always a race as you get the FTF honors.

So a quick diversion was made and using the iPhone app I went on the hunt and was lucky enough to get two FTF's! So this is my little boast...

Normal buggy blog service resumes tomorrow!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Video - Kite buggy freestyle

Great video with some interesting view-points...

Monday 25 February 2013

No Wind

Yesterday there was no or very little wind in the morning so no buggying for me. I did go out and find 11 geocaches - which kept me out of trouble!

The wind did pick up in the afternoon, but that is the time the land-yachts are down there.

The forecast for the week is for decent easterlies - I am hoping I may get at afternoon/evening session in and that it lasts into the weekend.

I think I have made some progress with a back rest - unfortunately I was unable to find the parts I needed at either Bunnings or Masters to DIY it. But found a local Engineering Firm, Crisp Engineering who responded to an email on Sunday and said they would be able to make something - just waiting to see how much and may have a chat to see if they can do anything with the side rails.

Sunday 24 February 2013


My Blog has had hits from all over the world...

It's good to see that kite buggying is popular world wide!

Saturday 23 February 2013

Extended side-frames and back rest

In an effort to improve the stability of my Peter Lynn Comp XR+ kite buggy I am after some of the heavy duty extended side-frames, I know I can get these new but does anybody have a set they don't use?

I am probably going to get some as a birthday present! The other option is if anybody can fabricate a frame extension to join the side frame to the axle?

A backrest from A Wind of Change

The other thing I want to do is make a back rest, for comfort and I reckon it would also stiffen the frame - I know Popeye the Welder can do this but I don't have the skills! I think I will take a trip to Masters or Bunnings to see what I can botch!

Friday 22 February 2013

Video - Kite BMX

Tom (aka RedSkyHorizon) is crazy!

Thursday 21 February 2013


I am a gadget freak and I love my iPhone (4gs) and have now just upgraded to a 5 (I know probably 12 months behind everybody else - but I am a poor nurse!) - always exciting to get a new gadget!

So look out for some panorama pictures in my Blog!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Fat Arse!

I had a nice little trip out after work yesterday, to Forrestfield, a big industrial area near the airport...

Specifically to the couriers depot to pick up my new 140cm Gigastrong axle. I had a bit of a panic on the way home as I managed to unwrap one end while sat at some lights, I thought this isn't going to fit my 20mm axle bolts or my side rails...

I was wrong...

the old and the new

I am hoping to get some longer side rails in April (for my birthday) to increase the overall length of the buggy, but will still need to keep the seat forwards as I have short legs! Then I will look at a method of making some sort of back rest/support.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Why Sunday's?

At the moment the wind forecast for Sunday is looking lame...

I'm keeping everything crossed it improves as it looks like my wide axle has arrived in Perth.

Sunday mornings are the time I get free-reign, guilt free buggying, as my wife and kids go to church and it means I can go play. I can get out other times, but with us both working full time, that family time together is essential and valued.

Monday 18 February 2013

Another Sunday Session...

I was down at the Salt Lake yesterday just after 6am and left just after 9am.

For the first half an hour there was no wind, I couldn't even get the 5m Flow to stay in the air - it gradually picked up and I eventually got moving, slowly at first!

Through-out the rest of the time the wind could be pretty hit and miss with the kite being powered up one minute and drifting the next. At about 8.15 a couple of cars turned up from the model aero-club and started buzzing around with their toy planes! This limited the area I could fly in!

After a while I decided to head back towards the car park and in the buggy took an alternative route - it was great fun as it took me over some rough terrain and I needed to pick my way between the rocks and bush as well as tacking to keep going in the right direction with the southerly wind (see diagram!).

The red area was where I was flying and the blue line is the course I took back to the car park - but with more turns due to the southerlies!

Saturday 16 February 2013

Inspiration - Rob Lukin

I saw this video on PPTW's website...

I have had the pleasure of buggying with Rob, when he visited WA towards the end of last year, as part of his trip around Australia. We had some fun helping him onto the lake as access is restricted. He is a real gentleman and we felt privileged to meet, buggy and spend time with him..

There was also a couple of time we tried to take his head off with kite lines! But that is another story...

Friday 15 February 2013


It's been over a month since I have been out in the buggy because of my holiday and then being ill (full blown flu!) and I am still having hot flushes. Consequently I have been quiet on the blog front as well...

Well the forecast is looking promising for Sunday morning with increasing south-westerlies...

The buggy has it's new tyres and they are all holding air, it will be interesting to see how they perform as they have more tread than standard barrows...

...but should be harder wearing.

My new wide axle is en-route from Adelaide but I don't think I will have it until next week.

I am feeling stronger and fitter each day and today, for the first time in over a week, feel that I have some energy - but do have a persistent and annoying cough!

I will check the go-pro is charged, the kites etc. are packed and I will be down on the salt-lake early Sunday morning.

Monday 11 February 2013


I came home from work on Wednesday, last week, feeling unwell.

After four days at home I tried to go back to work this morning but was turned away at the door and told to go home! I'm going to see the Dr later....

Monday 4 February 2013

Going Wide!

I have swapped my 3m Peter Lynn Core for a 140cm Peter Lynn Gigastrong Axle - the aim is to improve the stability and allow me to hold down more power in the buggy. 

I will then look at getting some of the extended side rails. That is the great the about the comp xr+ you can adjust it to meet your needs...
I'm just hoping I get some time to buggy next weekend...

Sunday 3 February 2013

Live from the WACA

Australia v the West Indies!