
Friday 15 February 2013


It's been over a month since I have been out in the buggy because of my holiday and then being ill (full blown flu!) and I am still having hot flushes. Consequently I have been quiet on the blog front as well...

Well the forecast is looking promising for Sunday morning with increasing south-westerlies...

The buggy has it's new tyres and they are all holding air, it will be interesting to see how they perform as they have more tread than standard barrows...

...but should be harder wearing.

My new wide axle is en-route from Adelaide but I don't think I will have it until next week.

I am feeling stronger and fitter each day and today, for the first time in over a week, feel that I have some energy - but do have a persistent and annoying cough!

I will check the go-pro is charged, the kites etc. are packed and I will be down on the salt-lake early Sunday morning.

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