
Monday 11 March 2013


I was down at lake Walyungup early yesterday morning, in the vain hope that the wind would cooperate. By all accounts the wind was pretty good Saturday (but we already had plans) and as it turned out was none existent when I first got to the lake...

Bloody frustrating!

By about 8am and during a very light shower the wind did pick up I kept persevering with the 5m Ozone Flow and was going anywhere fast - I couldn't even get over 30kph...

panorama of the stormy skies!
The wind came in fits and starts and as the guys and their toy airplanes left the lake, I decided to try my 4m Ozone Method. It changed from an easterly to a more northerly and at least I was moving more...

I also played around with my GoPro and set it on photo mode-

Eventually around 10am I cracked 30kph and eventually got up to 40kph! Well below my PB! Not my best day, but it was good to give the buggy a decent run and I am loving the way it is performing and can't wait to really try for some speed...

Well off my PB and a really low moving average
Hopefully we will get some decent wind soon as I think the last good session I really had was New Years day...

Frustrating - but wouldn't of been anywhere else!

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