
Thursday 28 March 2013

Ozone Method 4m - review, part two!

Back at the beginning of the year I wrote a review on my 4m Ozone Method I thought as I had continued to use this kite it was about time I wrote part two...

It rocks!
Everybody always goes on about Ozone kites and the quality of construction but that is because it's true! After four months use and probably being flown nearly every week, there is still not a loose thread, the bridle is immaculate and hasn't suffered any stretching and the handles are perfect. 

Apart from everything being a bit dustier it looks hardly used. And it has taken a few knocks and scrapes and also there has been a couple of times that the kite has become un-hooked from the roller (my fault!) and I have had to chase it across the lake! Not a scratch or a scrape.

The kite continues to do everything it says it should in the blurb...

"The Ozone Method is a kite for anyone who is looking for the speed of a high performance kite, the stability of a beginner kite and yet handles like a sports car! It's your perfect next level engine for taking your traction kiting sports such as buggying or landboarding to new heights!"

As a 4m kite it behaves more like a 3m and takes a fair bit of wind really to develop the power - but even in the lower end of the wind range once you get it moving the power really comes in. Last weekend really demonstrated, to me the, performance that the Method can produce as I managed to get a new PB.

The 4m felt seriously powered up and at first was pretty scary and I was wishing I had a smaller kite - but in the end I was so glad I stuck with it...

Dropping the Method into the power zone and it just accelerates, a little bit of a sine wave to further increase the speed and then add a bit of break tension and wow! off it goes. For the first time I was consistently hitting 60kph and was so excited when the GPSr showed 62.7kph (and more excited when I saw 64.2kph on Endomondo!).

At the end of the run, start to turn the buggy up wind to scrub some speed and edge the kite to the top of the window - no lift, stick the buggy into a power slide, drop the kite back into the power zone and of it goes again - smooth, predictable power. But it was pure exhilaration - I just didn't want to stop!

The other thing is I don't have to watch the kite all the time, all i need is an occasional glance to confirm what I know - where it is in the window and what it is doing. Mind you it looks great that green against the perfect blue skies of WA!

The Method has given me the confidence to fly harder than I had before and I am waiting for the next day when we get some decent winds so that I can really put it through it's paces and push harder and faster and this time get the 65kph on the GPSr!

I have also flown it static on the beach and had great fun and despite it not being a lifty kite was still able to do some pretty impressive jumps!

I have tried high-performance race-kites and didn't enjoy the experience, the Method is a compromise it gives me speed and performance with out the anxiety that it may chew me up and spit me out!

My only issue is I could really do with a couple more a more a 3m and maybe a 6.5 would about do it!

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