
Saturday 4 May 2013


I have just been playing around with my backrest - I had noticed some holes in my buggy bag from the u-bolts that stick up. I did think about trying to cover them with some padding (as I patched the holes in the buggy bag with duct tape!).

But in the end I decided to take the back rest off completely and bolt it underneath the side frame, this meant the exposed bolts were now pointing downwards...

This is actually more comfortable as the back rest now sits slightly lower and is more of a lumbar support, so it has a double benefit.

I have also been looking at ways of securing my ground stake as I sometimes stick it on top of the buggy bag under the straps, but it has come off a few times and I have had to hunt around the lake for it! It comes with a convenient holder that is supposed to be strapped to your leg - so I have used this to attach to the side frame out of the way of the kite lines...

Everything is loaded up, the fingers are crossed for the wind foretasted for tomorrow morning to still be blowing and a bit stronger wouldn't go amiss! But you can't have everything...

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