
Sunday 23 June 2013

Lemon Meringue Pie...!

I can find my way around the kitchen but have never baked a lemon meringue pie - my wife usually does it and it is a recipe from her side of the family!

I was very pleased with the result that's why I have posted it on my kite buggy blog!

1. Making the pastry -half fat to flour (6oz flour and 3oz Marj)

2. Rolling it out...

3. Lining the dish, then blind bake for approx 15 minutes...

4. Separated 3 egg whites...

5. Egg yolks and a small tin of condensed milk...

6. The juice of 2-3 lemons (depending on how lemony you like it)...

7. Condensed milk, yolks and lemon combined...

8. The baked pastry case...

9. Making the meringue, beat 3 egg whites and added 4oz of castor sugar (soft peaks!)...

10. Putting it together, first the lemony mixture...

11. Then the meringue...

12. Finally bake for 10-15 minutes and can be eaten hot or cold!


  1. Buggy buggy buggy, we like to buggy. There are no buggies in this post.
