
Monday 15 July 2013

6 weeks to go...

 … until spring and then hopefully the weather will improve for kite buggying.

We have had another typical winter weekend. When it’s dry and bright there is no wind (and it gets cold), the wind only seems to come to the party when the rain comes (or is imminent) and we get some awesome storms here in Perth.

This also means that after the rain Lake Walyungup takes a long time to dry out and the surface is sticky and cuts up – so I don’t like to buggy.

But within a few days of the commencement of spring (the 1st September) there is a noticeable change, we couldn’t believe the difference when we first moved here, as the change is dramatic. The days will suddenly start getting warmer and the wind won’t be dependent on the rain.

I will continue to try and fly as and when the weather gives me a break, and I have been out more this winter than the previous year (mainly thanks to a 10m Ozone Manta II) – but we have broken the back of winter…

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