
Sunday 19 October 2014

Buggy transport...

You'd think now that I have got the ute that I wouldn't have any issues transporting the buggy - it goes in the tub, with all the kites and associated gear without any problems and room to spare.

There has been a discussion on Extreme Kites about transporting buggys, particularly leaving them fully assemble. I usually store my buggy in the garage with the rear axle off and then into the back of the car (or ute) two nuts and bolts and the axle is on and away we go.

But I have created space in the garage so I can store the buggy with the axle on and I now have a bike rack for the back of the ute...

The buggy on the bike rack is very wobbly, would need some proper tie-downs and some other way of bracing it - without spending any money!

In the mean time it will be off with the axle and everything in the tub!

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