Kite Tracker is an iPhone app (also coming to Android soon) that allows you to check the position of other riders worldwide with their details like speed, average speed, distance etc. but also to log your own session and compare them live with everyone else.
kite tracker screen shot
The Kitetracker App has been designed for kite-, wind- and flying sports but can just as well be used for any other outdoor sports.
The very unique Live-Tracking functionality allows every 5 seconds an up to 1 meter accurate tracking of the app user with speed, altitude, distance, ascent /descent rate and much more! Follow your friends on the App or website You can see live what lines your friends are creating in the snow, how high they have climbed into the sky or how quickly they are gunning the new trail with their bike. The possibilities are endless.
You can also add to your sessions geolocation based photos or once you finished your session share it via Facebook for the world to see. Already uploaded sessions with their data and photos can be accessed from within the App. All uploaded sessions will be added to a global high score list with which you can measure yourself to users worldwide.
The KiteTracker App has the following features:
● GPS Tracking for sport sessions
● GPS Tracking combined with a live tracking system
● Display of all live App users on the map
● List of all Live-App-Users sorted by distance, altitude, rate of climb, speed etc. in a user-friendly list
● Tracking of other users, with current information on speed, distance, altitude, rate of climb and max. values
● Navigation to any currently online user with distance information
● The possibility to upload your session Info into the global high score, sorted by sport type and discipline (speed, altitude, rate of climb and a lot more) for the ultimate challenge
● Capture photos with GPS coordinates (geotagging)
● Facebook & e-mail sharing
● Shortcut to rescue function with the integrated REGA button (
● Storage, processing and uploading of successful sessions on
● Low battery warning
● Switch between metric (kilometers) and imperial (miles) units
screen shots from the app