
Tuesday 11 December 2012

Lake Walyungup - officially open for business!

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As of the weekend Lake Walyungup was officially opened for access, allowing the model aircraft club and the land-yachts to drive onto the lake. The cars of the model aircraft club were there in dribs and drabs from about 7am and we saw the first of the land-yachts arriving about 10.45am.

There were not any issues with the model aircraft as we all managed to stay out of each others way as there is still plenty of room for us all to play with our toys. And we did need to scoot around the edge of their flying area to re-unite Rob with his stuff! 

 As long as we don't get any-more of this...

I am happy to continue to walk, or fly down the lake and have no urge to drive on (I am still young and fit enough to cope!) and I can carry my kit with me. I look forward to a long summer of kite buggying on Lake Walyungup...

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