
Monday 10 December 2012

Sunday at Lake Walyungup...

Had a great time on the salt lake on Sunday, the wind was an easterly and was blowing pretty strong when I got down there. I met Rob and Alfa75 in the car park at 6am!

On the lake decided to start off on the 3m Core and at times this was feeling over-powered and a little bit scary - I had left the 2m Beamer (that Bones has lent me) at home as hadn't thought I would need it. So decided to sit it out for a bit and have some breakfast while I waited for the wind to ease...

Had a few good runs on the Core and as the wind dropped off a little more decided it was time to pull the Ozone Method 4m. And I am so glad I did, it was nicely powered up most of the time and with the wind gusting as strong as it was before the stability and performance really came into it's own. A couple of times I let go of a handle so I could hold onto the side rail of the bug! The kite would just sit there and continue to do it's thing...

the cars of the model aero-club
Why didn't I put it up from the start? The rest of the time I spent cruising the length of the lake - the model aero-club were on there, but we could easily stay out of each others way. I did have a pit-stop to swap one of my rear tyres onto the front - more about that later.

After four hours in the buggy, over 60kph, a top speed of 54.8kph and moving average of 27.4kph (it did hit 28 at one point!), I was exhausted, so it was time to pack up, head home for a drink and a swim!

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